How do i get mods working in darkest dungeon
How do i get mods working in darkest dungeon

how do i get mods working in darkest dungeon

This is the update we've been itching to get to. This both ensures that we prevent crunch and ensures that we don't release something incomplete or break promises we make to our players. Moving onward to the 1.0 release, we'll likely not be giving out any public release dates until all of the content in the update is essentially done. Additionally, releasing the update so late in the evening (around 9 PM Pacific Time) miscommunicated to our audience when the update was actually going live. In hindsight, the update release date should have been pushed back a bit, as several developers had to crunch pretty hard in order to meet the August 11th deadline. We also made some mistakes regarding how we handled the public deadline.

how do i get mods working in darkest dungeon

Just as importantly, we're taking stock of the well-being of our team members to promote a healthy team environment as we carry on to the finish line.

how do i get mods working in darkest dungeon

Moving forward, we'll be adjusting how we handle the allocation of resources to make it easier for us to meet those deadlines without simply delaying them. In the case of the Ship Event update, it was occurring on such a large and frequent scale that the update as a whole had to be pushed back several times. Normally, missing deadlines isn't a huge issue, and with this being a community passion project, we expect it to happen from time to time. The big holdup for this update was an asset bottleneck where multiple artists had difficulties adhering to internal deadlines. The easiest comparison would be the Crawling Chaos update, which had significantly more content than the Ship Event update and took ~7.5 months to complete. For the amount of content included in the update, this is a comparatively long time. There were several issues that hampered the development process for this update, with the primary problem being that development progressed much more slowly than we'd anticipated.įor context, this update took roughly 5 months to complete. However, there were some issues that cropped up during development, and we wanted to talk about them here in slightly more depth. Ship Event Development RetrospectiveAs a whole, we're pleased with the release and reception of the Ship Event update, and we managed to get quite a bit of content sorted out for this one.

How do i get mods working in darkest dungeon